1. General provisions
1.1. The name of the association is Nemendafélag Menntaskólins við Hamrahlíð (NFMH). The members of NFMH must be students at Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð or must be students in Menntaskólinn í tónlist.
1.2. Its legal domicile and venue is in Reykjavík.
1.3. The purpose of the association is to protect the common interests of its members and mobilize them in social activities within the school. The association always operates on a democratic basis.
1.4. In voting within the NFMH, a simple majority shall prevail unless otherwise stated in law. In the event of a tie, the proposal shall be rejected.
1.5. All association meetings within NFMH shall be open to all its members.
1.6. Registered members of NFMH are not paid in cash for any work related to or for the benefit of NFMH, with the exception of work in the Somalia canteen.
1.7. NFMH shall promote equality and respect within the company.
1.7.2. Associations and councils within NFMH shall be guided by equality and respect in their work. No council, elected art election, within NFMH shall be monogamous.
1.7.3. No one shall be discriminated against in the work of the NFMH on the basis of gender, race, appearance, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion, political views, etc.
1.8. All published material under the name NFMH shall go through the censorship of the core board. The publication must have been received by the core director at least two days before the publication is sent for printing.
1.9. All NFMH offices and councils are obliged to update the information documents of previous councils / offices before they resign. The board of NFMH is obliged to add this systematically to a handbook that the councils / offices receive upon change of government.
2. The school board
2.1. Board of NFMH.
2.1.1. The board of NFMH consists of a president, vice president, treasurer, marketing director, IB representative and school board representative, who is elected in the autumn, along with the heads of the theater, art association, conference association, video club, entertainment council and editor Beneventum. They alone have the right to vote within the board of NFMH.
2.1.2. The president shall act as a representative of NFMH vis-à-vis parties outside and inside the school. It shall seek to strengthen the unity of NFMH members and promote a vibrant and diverse social life. The president is an observer for students on the school board and school committee. The President shall chair the Legislative Amendment Committee. The President is authorized to convene general meetings as required. The President shall approve all agreements on behalf of NFMH and those agreements shall stand alone with NFMH. The President shall ensure that the NFMH website is operational and disseminates all information that members may need to access. The president must have completed or be completing at least one year at Menntaskólinn við Hamhrahlíð before he starts work in the autumn semester.
2.1.3. The Vice President is the Deputy President and the guarantor of all material published by NFMH. All publications by NFMH are subject to the approval of the Vice President of the Company. The Vice President writes the minutes of the board of NFMH and keeps order in the NFMH archives, Bessastaðir. The vice-president must publish the minutes of board meetings, large association meetings and school meetings of NFMH within one week of meetings. The Vice President shall be responsible for the publication of Skaramús, which shall be published once a year. If Skaramúss is a telephone directory, school diary or other such item, it shall be published early in the autumn and the Vice President shall keep three copies of each publication for the NFMH archives. The vice-president shall sit on the web committee and ensure that the committee receives the material that is to be published on the school's website, including this law with all the changes that may be made to it. The Vice President shall also sit on the Legislative Amendment Committee.
2.1.4. The treasurer oversees all finances and accounts on behalf of NFMH, with the exception of the finances of the stores Matsala MH and Mararþaraborg. The treasurer has the right to review the accounting and operations of Matsälan and Mararþaraborg and make comments if necessary. The treasurer handles appropriations from the NFMH fund with the approval of the NFMH board. The treasurer shall review the main expenses and income of the student association at school meetings, provide members with an overview of accounting upon request and also publish a public overview of the main budgets at the end of each semester. The treasurer must submit audited accounts before 1 July to the newly elected board of NFMH. The treasurer is also a member of the school board. The treasurer must submit the annual accounts before the end of August. He is also obliged to place a financial plan on nfmh.is. The treasurer must have reached the age of eighteen at the beginning of the autumn.
2.1.5. A school board representative sits on the school board. He shall be the liaison between day school students and the school authorities. If a school board representative receives a request from a day school student that a certain matter be raised at a school board meeting, he or she must accede to that request, it shall be related to the school or the student association. A school board member sits on the board of NFMH and shall be the board's liaison with the association's officials. The school board representative must have full consultation with the president of NFMH. He sits on the Legislative Amendment Committee.
The school board representative is also the contact person for the Association of Icelandic Upper Secondary School Students at NFMH, as well as the contact person for SIF with the school board. He holds the position of interest representative within the SIF board and therefore has all the obligations stipulated in the SIF Act on interest representatives. Within the walls of MH, he is responsible for everything that may accompany this position, e.g. to elect to the mentioned people for the SIF Congress when needed.
2.1.6. The Marketing Manager shall oversee the NFMH Marketing Committee appointed by the Core Board during the spring semester. He is responsible for issuing membership certificates and all major NFMH fundraisers. The marketing director sits on the board of NFMH and the school board. He, in consultation with the President and the Treasurer, prepares and reviews the agreements made by NFMH and ensures that they are implemented.
He shall also be the liaison between the board of NFMH and the operations manager of Matsala MH.
2.1.7 The core board, appointed by the president, vice-president, treasurer, school board representative and marketing director, shall oversee all NFMH events. There, the president can use his veto power if the core board comes to the conclusion that the measures in question are harmful to the student association. In addition, the president and vice-president may veto the publication of any material from the student association if the material is deemed harmful.
The core board shall not interfere with candidacies in the NFMH student union elections and therefore has no right to write recommendations or support candidacies.
3. Associations and councils
3.1. Within the framework of the large association NFMH there is a board and seventeen associations and councils: Entertainment council, lagningardagar council, Óðrik Algaula council, sports committee, drama committee, art committee, trivia and debate committee, video committee, Beneventum editorial board, Fréttapési editorial board, Food committee, Shop committee, radio committee, the goodwill committee, the feminism committe Embla, the queer committee Bur, the neard association Föruneytið and the environment committee; each with its own field of work.
3.1.1. NFMH also has three other committees, Mímisbrunnur, a web committee and a marketing committee. The newly elected school board elects a web committee and, the marketing manager, a marketing committee at the end of the spring. In Mímisbrunn are the members of Gettu betur, the school's team and team leaders.
3.1.2. At the beginning of the autumn, each association / council shall advertise for new students who are interested in working with the association in question. The association selects one to two new students from applications and he thus becomes a member of the association in question.
3.1.3. The boards of the companies shall attend a meeting with the board of NFMH at the beginning of each other and present their goals to it.
3.2.1 The Core Board may reprimand any member of a large company for the same non-statutory obligations. The core board is also authorized to reprimand councils or committees that do not fulfill their statutory obligations. Reminders shall be submitted in writing to the head of department if the council has a registered head of department but otherwise to an individual within the council or committee. If reprimands are not successful, the core board shall raise their issues at a school meeting. The President or Vice-President shall propose a proposal for expulsion with shame. If the approval of the majority is obtained, the person holding the position in question shall relinquish all duties and be ashamed, and the board of NFMH shall advertise for a successor as required by law. The same applies to councils / committees. In the case of a council / committee that would otherwise be elected in the spring, a new / new one shall be elected within ten days of the approved expulsion proposal as required by law. The core board shall, however, seek to proceed with caution in dismissal and try to choose a point carefully.
3.3. Beneventum:
3.3.1. Benventum editorial board is made up of four to six representatives elected by the arts in the spring elections. Beneventum editor also sits on the board.
3.3.2. Beneventum is the school paper. The editorial board of Beneventum is responsible for its publication and shall decide on the content at any given time.
3.3.5. Beneventum shall be published at least once a year, and the Beneventum editorial board shall deliver to the Vice President of NFMH three copies of each publication for safekeeping in NFMH's archives.
3.4. Shop advice:
3.4.1. The shop council is made up of three to five members elected by the arts in the spring elections.
3.4.3. The task of the shop council is to maintain a market that offers products that MHs have created, e.g. music, clothing, etc. The market shall be operated throughout the school year on NFMH.is and Búðarráð delivers the products at the end of every other month.
3.4.5. The shop council shall do its best to make it possible for students to exchange the various media, as long as such transactions do not infringe on copyright. Customers can use this service free of charge. The shop council shall make it easier for students to exchange textbooks at the beginning of each other with a textbook market.
3.15.6. The shop council elects a treasurer in consultation with the board of NFMH. He alone shall oversee the finances of the council in cooperation with the treasurer of NFMH. The treasurer of Búðarráð shall have become
3.15.8. The shop council shall hold NFMH Fashion Week every school year.
3.5. Fréttapési
3.5.1. The editorial board of Fréttapésa consists of three to five representatives elected by the arts in the spring elections.
3.5.2 The role of Fréttapésa is to tell news, share information, make fun of the current situation and share students' ideas. A newsletter shall be available to members of NFMH for pleasure and enjoyment and shall be published at least three times each semester.
3.6. The goodwill committee
3.6.1. A goodwill committee is made up of three to five representatives elected in the spring elections.
3.6.2. All members of a the committee should be kind.
3.6.3. The goodwill committee shall ensure that two charity weeks are held each school year. One week shall be held each semester, but a further date is decided by the charity in collaboration with the board of NFMH.
3.6.5 The goodwill committee decides, together with the board of NFMH, on which issue the profits of the weeks will go.
3.6.6. The charity is obliged to advertise the week's program, for the school's students, no later than one week before it begins.
3.6.7. A charity is obliged to hand over the daily benefits to the treasurer of the NFMH board and to review the situation well with him.
3.7. Lagningardagar board:
3.7.1. The lagningardaga council is composed of four to six representatives elected s in the spring elections.
3.7.2. The llagningardagar committeel takes care of and organizes the theme days in mh, ie. working days of students and teachers where traditional school work is broken up. The council works in consultation with the board of NFMH and the school board.
3.7.3. The Lagningardagar Council elects a treasurer in consultation with the board of NFMH. He alone shall oversee the council's finances in cooperation with the NFMH's treasurer.
3.8. The drama committee
3.8.1. The board of the drama committee consists of four to six representatives elected in the spring elections. The chairman also sits on the board.
3.8.2. The board of the drama committee shall be in charge of a theatrical performance during the school year, conducting acting courses, get a director and other assistants to join them as deemed necessary. The board of the drama committee shall also be prepared to host events at the annual festival in the spring semester.
3.8.3. The board of the drama committee chooses a treasurer. He alone shall oversee the council's finances in cooperation with the NFMH's treasurer. The treasurer of the board of the drama committee shall have reached the age of eighteen at the beginning of the autumn.
3.8.4. At the end of the spring, the outgoing drama committee board shall hand over the newly elected drama committee board the facilities of the drama committee, Undirheimar, in the condition that the facilities are clean and painted black.
3.8.5. The board of the drama committee shall hold a fun event every autumn to raise funds. It should be so fun that everyone wants to attend and no one should have any doubts about the drama committee’s greatness after the event. All profits from the event shall go directly to the “Leikfélagssjóður”.
3.8.6. The board of the drama committee will hold the event "Lick nuts" in the autumn. This event is a preliminary competition for "Play better" - the junior collage improv competition and the winning team will therefore take part in that competition.
3.8.7 The drama committee maintains its own marketing committee which is responsible for raising advertisements and funds to support the drama committee's events.
3.8.8 A drama committee shall hold a script competition every autumn semester.
3.9. The sports committee
3.9.1. The board of the sports committee consists of three to five representatives elected by the arts in the spring elections.
3.9.2. The board of the sports committee oversees sports activities under the auspices of NFMH. She shall be responsible for the organization and supervision of sports tournaments.
3.9.3. The sports committee shall hold an organized sports tournament every year and shall compete in various sports. Participation in the tournament shall be free and limited to students at Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð.
3.10. Art commitee
3.10.1.The board of the Art commitee consists of four to six representatives elected by the arts in the spring elections. Oddviti art association also sits on the board.
3.10.2. The board of the Art commitee shall consult with the groups working in the field of art within NFMH. It organizes concerts, art exhibitions, film exhibitions and anything else that can be considered art.
3.10.3. The board of the art association shall be responsible for at least one event each month.
3.11. The trivia and debate committee
3.11.1. The board of the trivia and debate committee is made up of four to six representatives elected in the spring elections. The chairman of the tivia and debate committee sits on the board of NFMH.
3.11.2. Trivia and debate committee shall be NFMH's main contact with MORFÍS. Article 9.5.2. trivia and debate committee shall, in consultation with the board chose coaches who conduct a speech course where the Morfís team of MH is chosen.
3.11.3. The in-school speech competition NFMH is called MORTAR and the trivia and debate committee shall ensure that it is held, at least, once every school year.
3.11.4. All members of the trivia and debate committee shall be Einherjar. It is not permitted for members of the trivia and debate committee to be Einherji's leader.
3.11.5. The trivia and debate committee shall hold meetings as often as possible.
3.11.7. The trivia and debate committee shall take care of all advertising activities for Gettu Betur in collaboration with the board of NFMH.
3.12. The video committee
3.12.1. The board of directors of The video committee consists of four to eight representatives elected in the spring elections. The video committee’ chairman sits on the board of NFMH.
3.12.2. The Board of Directors of the The video committee oversees the video equipment options of NFMH and shall assist other councils and committees in video production if assistance is requested. It shall record on video all the events on behalf of NFMH that are deemed necessary and try to produce other recorded material for the entertainment of the members of the student association.
3.12.3 When using drones The video committee shall exercise caution and common sense. The drone may not be used or lent for work other than the work of the Video Farmers. Drug use may not be under the influence of the drone. Do not fly the drone in a small space. Do not fly the drone in rain, snow or strong winds. The drone must always be called Fool.
3.13. Óðrik Algaula
3.13.1. Óðrik Algaula's council is made up of four to six representatives elected in the spring elections.
3.13.2. Óðríkur Algaula is NFMH's songwriting competition. Óðríkur Algaula should promote that members of NFMH have the opportunity to shine their light in the field of legislation. Not only should you compete for the best song, but for other episodes, e.g. the most original song, the best lyrics, the best stage performance and whatever Óðrik Algauli's advice is interested in at any given time.
Songs and lyrics in Óðríki Algaula must not have been heard publicly before. Óðrik Algauli's advice determines at any given time how many songs the author may have in the competition.
The jury in Óðríki Algaula shall be composed of experienced people in the field of law, then the staff of the school or other people who may be considered biased in the jury should be avoided.
3.13.3. The NFMH singing competition shall be organized by Óðrik Algauli's council. All competitors must be members of NFMH. The same rules apply to the jury as in the State of Algaula.
3.13.4. The singing competition will be held in the first half of the spring and its winner will compete on behalf of NFMH in the upper secondary school singing competition.
3.14. The fun committee
3.14.1. The entertainment council is composed of four to six representatives elected by the arts in the spring elections. Oddviti the entertainment council also sits on the board.
3.14.3. The entertainment council organizes and takes care of dances on behalf of NFMH. It also organizes the annual festival in consultation with the company's board. All obligations of the entertainment board shall be approved by the board of the company
3.14.4 Entertainment Council shall ensure that there is at least one unisex line in guarded events / school dances.
3.15. Radio Council
3.15.1. The Radio Council is composed of three to five representatives elected in the spring elections.
3.15.2 The Radio Council is responsible for radio during election week.
3.15.3. In radio weeks, there shall be an organized program after school hours, from 16:15 - 23:00.
3.15.4. The program of each radio week shall consist of music playing and program items supervised by members of NFMH and the Radio Council. In Election Radio, all candidates have the opportunity to present themselves and their candidacy on the allotted time, in addition to having a certain advertising time during the week. On Óðrik's radio, competitors will be introduced, old songs and events that have stood out in each competition will be played and the competition itself will be broadcast.
3.15.5. Anyone who is a member of NFMH can apply to participate in radio weeks.
3.15.6. The Radio Council shall ensure that all aspects of the diverse musical flora are represented in each radio week and that the diversity of radio programs is maximized.
3.15.7. There are deadlines for each episode, but they depend on the program and content of each episode and will be set in consultation with the NFMH board when processing applications.
3.15.9. The Radio Council elects a treasurer in consultation with the board of NFMH. He alone shall be in charge of the council's finances in collaboration with the treasurer of NFMH.
3.15. The Cooking committee
3.15.1. The board is composed of three to four representatives elected in the spring election.
3.15.2. The Cooking committee shall appoint a manager (chairman) that leads the company and oversees its operations and is responsible for all of the Cooking committee’s work. The assistant manager which acts as the right hand of the manager and a cashier who oversees the finances of the council.
3.15.3. The purpose of The Cooking committee is to disseminate the eating habits of various nations from all over the world to the students of Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð.
3.15.4. The dish should be served at least delicious soup three times a semester.
3.15.5. The preparation shall ensure that all the goods, e.g. food and / or beverages shall be sold at cost price, or as close as possible.
3.15.6. If the Food Council's sale of food is for fundraising purposes, Art. 3.15.5. except.
3.15.7. Students at Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð are offered a proposal for a recipe for soup that The Cooking committee will serve. The proposals received shall be voted on in a public forum, e.g. on relevant social media. However, there is no need to make such an election at a school meeting.
3.15.8. The Cooking committeeshall be in collaboration with the councils and associations that need to raise funds.
3.15.9. The Cooking Committee should be available at any of the events where cooking assistance is needed, e.g. grill.
3.17. Web Committee:
3.17.1. The web committee shall maintain the student association's website, www.nfmh.is, in addition to taking care of the student association's e-mail addresses.
3.17.2. The web committee consists of four to six representatives appointed by the board of NFMH. At least. one member shall be an IB student.
3.17.3.The web committee shall update regularly and ensure a good appearance of the student association's website, nfmh.is. They shall ensure, in co-operation with certain councils and officials, that all material is posted on nfmh.is.
3.17.4. The web committee has a duty to help everyone within the NFMH large company with all kinds of technical things, e.g. Website design related to the student association.
3.17.5. The web committee rider takes care of all technical matters. He needs to have a good basic computer skills and be quick to learn new things. He also needs to keep a close eye on the layout of text and images.
3.17.6. The web committee's knights are in charge of the site's news feed. They write about everything that is going to happen, what is happening and what has already happened and is related to the student association in one way or another. 2 - 4 knights shall be appointed at the beginning of autumn second.
3.17.7. The web committee shall be in good contact with the board of NFMH and all advice regarding their involvement in the website. The web committee shall encourage and assist everyone to submit their material clearly and unambiguously to www.nfmh.is
3.18. Mímisbrunnur
3.18.1. Mímisbrunnur - NFMH's senior council is appointed by Gettu Betur members of the school
3.19 IB Council
See IB councils tab
3.20 The queer committee Bur
3.20.1. The queer association Bur is an independent association under the auspices of NFMH
3.20.2. The queer association shall be the voice of the NFMH in the struggle for rights and the equal rights debate of queer people. At the same time, the association, together with the feminist association Embla, shall promote equality between the sexes and other groups in society that are involved in the fight for equality and rights.
3.20.3. The queer association consists of four to five students from Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð, elected in the spring semester.
3.20.4. The queer association shall have one chairman and one deputy chairman appointed internally within the association.
3.20.5. The queer association shall be the liaison between NFMH and other queer associations around the country, both in upper secondary schools and elsewhere, and handle all co-operation with them.
3.20.6. The queer association shall celebrate the queer week of NFMH once a school year.
3.20.7. The queer community Bur shall review all published material by NFMH in order to promote equality within the walls of the school.
3.21 The Embla Feminist Association
3.21.1. The feminist association Embla shall be the voice of NFMH in the gender and equality debate in society and shall promote equality between the sexes and all other other groups in society that are fighting for equality.
3.21.2. The board of the Feminist Association Embla shall consist of three to four students from Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð who shall be elected during the spring semester. The board shall appoint one chairman.
3.21.3. The board of the Embla Feminist Association shall work in close collaboration with the National Association of Feminist Associations of the Upper Secondary School of Iceland (L.F.F.Í.). The chairman of Embla wins a seat on the board of L.F.F.Í.
3.21.4. Embla's board is obliged to manage 3-4 events during the election period and is encouraged to be clear about what is on the agenda at any given time in equality issues and to continue discussions in connection with it.
31.21.5. The feminist association Embla shall review all published material by NFMH to promote equality within the school walls
3.22 The neard association Föruneytið
3.22.1. The ensemble is a nerd club of NFMH and its board consists of 4 members. The ensemble takes care of everything that can be considered nerdy. Every board member of the Society should be a nerd.
3.22.2. The board of the Association is elected at an Association meeting at the end of each school year. A new board will be responsible for establishing the Ministry at the beginning of the next school year. It shall be ensured that elections to the Board of the Ministry are conducted in a dignified and democratic manner. It is the role of the members of the Ministry to ensure that this is carried out and they do not think it has been done properly that it is possible to reject the results of the election and get the board of NFMH to take care of a democratic election.
3.22.3. The Board of the Association appoints the head and treasurer of the Association.
3.22.4. In the first month of the second school year, the board of the Association shall gather ideas for monthly themes or Association meetings. After that, the program of each month shall be advertised a.m. a week before the end of the month.
3.22.4. Everyone can ask for and plan the program of the Ministry. The Board of the Association is in fact only the parties that manage this agenda.
3.22.5. The board of the Association is obliged to organize 3 events during the school year. Of those events, a.m.k. be one each semester, but further dates are decided by the board of the Association in collaboration with the board of NFMH.
3.22.6. The ensemble will hold the Short Story Competition every autumn.
3.22.7. The entourage shall, in consultation with the board of NFMH, have a place where information is available about the entourage's meetings.
3.22.8. All members of NFMH are allowed to attend the Association's event.
3.23. Environment Council
3.23.1. The Environment Council is composed of four to six representatives elected in the spring elections.
3.23.2. The purpose of the Environment Council is to draw attention to environmental issues and encourage MH students and staff to fight for a better environment both inside and outside the school and outside it.
3.23.3. The Environment Council participates in the work of the Environment Committee, e.g. in projects related to the Green Flag.
3.23.4. The Environment Committee organizes environmental days or environmental weeks with various events a.m. once a year.
3.24 Electoral Committee
3.24.1 The Board of Directors appoints an independent election committee when there are parliamentary elections. The Electoral Committee shall ensure that shadow elections are anointed. The election committee shall be responsible for the election week at the end of the spring.
3.25 Representative of the special study program
3.25.1 The board shall appoint a representative of a special study program at the beginning of each school year who is responsible for informing members of the special study program about NFMH events.
3.26 Short Film Council
3.26.1 The Short Film Council is composed of three to five representatives elected in the spring elections. The chairman of the short film council is always called Tiny.
3.26.2. The Short Film Council produces its own short film during the spring semester, which will be premiered for all members of NFMH.
3.26.3. The Short Film Council shall hold a short film competition for students, where it will be possible to send in pictures throughout the autumn semester. Qualified judges will be appointed to judge and prizes will be awarded. The winning film will be shown together with the Short Film Council's short film during the spring semester and will be posted on the Short Film Council's youtube page.
3.27 The political committee
3.27.1 Its aim is to maintain an organized political debate and practice the reasoning of the school's students, as well as to increase political literacy in general.
3.28 Höður
3.28.1 Höður has to protect the rights of the disabled, physically and mentally. And it promotes access to school and awareness raising.
IB constitution
The IB Constitution
The essential concepts that determine an organization's purpose, structure, and boundaries are outlined in its constitution. The objective of a constitution is to give structure for an organization, identify its purpose, and specify the official’s roles and obligations.
Article I Name
This organization shall be referred to as the Council for the International Baccalaureate Student Body or the IB Council.
Article II Purpose
The mission of the IB Council is to ensure that the IB students enjoy their years at MH as much as possible. A key part of doing so is maintaining strong unity between all IB students. This will be done by planning and executing IB social gatherings like the IB trip. The council also deem it important that IB students feel included in the MH community. The council encourages IB students to attend not only IB functions but MH ones as well. We will make sure all the ads for such social events are in English. The council will also provide answers to general questions you may have regarding the IB. For example, CAS, finding a tutor, etc.
Article III Membership
Members in the IB Student Body are limited to any currently enrolled IB students at the Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð. Members will have voting rights and may serve as Council members in the organization.
Former students, attendees of MH, and community members may participate in the club, but may not hold office or vote.
Article IV Authority and Responsibility
Section 1 – Authority: The IB Council operates under the authority of the Nemendafélag Menntaskólans við Hamrahlíð (NFMH).
Section 2 – Responsibility: The organization will adhere to the policies and procedures of NFMH, including, but not limited to the NFMH Constitution. The organization will also adhere to the laws and regulations of Reykjavik and the Republic of Iceland.
Article V Notice of Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity
Under the IB Council, there will be no harassment or discrimination on the grounds of race, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, age, disability within the IB program.
Article VI Notice of Anti-Hazing
The IB Council will not permit hazing of any kind of prospective members for the purpose of admission into or affiliation with the organization. Members of the organization are free to leave or dissociate without fear of retribution or harassment.
Article VII Council members
Section 1 – Titles: The IB Council will consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Social Media Commissioner, Council Member
Section 2 – Qualifications: All Council members must be currently enrolled students in the IB program at Menntaskólans við Hamrahlíð.
Section 3 – Term of Office: The term of office shall be from election until the end of the academic year in May. There is no limit to the number of terms a student may serve as an Council member.
Section 4 – Election: The election of Council members shall be held annually. No less than two weeks’ notice shall be given before the polls are closed. The election for the upcoming IB 1s and 2s will be held in May alongside the rest of NFMH. Meanwhile, the election for Pre-IBs will be held early in the following semester. IB 2s vote for the two IB 2 members, the IB 1s vote for the two IB 1 members, and so forth. Every eligible voter can cast a vote for 2 candidates. The candidates with the two highest number of votes will be elected.
Section 5 – Filler Elections: In the case that an individual in council loses their eligibility to maintain their position over the summer between their election and the beginning of their term, a new council member will be elected when the Pre IBs are voting.
Section 6 – Duties of Council members:
Section 6.1 - The President:
1. The president shall be the chief executive Council member.
2. Represent IB in NFMH events and other school meetings.
3. Develop the agenda for and preside over the meetings of the IB Council.
Section 6.2 - The Vice President:
1. The Vice President shall be the parliamentarian for the organization.
2. The Vice President shall assume the duties of the president should the office become vacant, or in the absence of The President.
3. The Vice President will be in charge of making public appearances representing The President.
Section 6.3 - The Secretary:
1. The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of all meetings and the meetings of the Executive Committee.
2. The Secretary will provide a copy of the minutes for each Council member and keep a master file.
3. The Secretary shall maintain a complete and accurate account of attendance and membership status.
Section 6.4 – Head of Funding and Operations:
Head of Funding and Operation shall be responsible for all financial management in general.
Head of Funding and Operation should also determine funding, fundraising, sales, budgeting, and financial planning for all IB events.
The Head of Funding and Operations will be responsible for gathering sponsorship.
Section 6.4 – The Council Member:
The Council Member will act as a spokesperson for the IB Council.
The Council Member will take on any required task.
Section 6 – Designation of Council member Duties: The Council members decide between each other who gets what position the summer before their term. The two remaining spots shall be filled by the Pre-IBs. The president position can not be given to a Pre-IB.
Section 7 – Resignation: An Council member advisor may by submitting a letter to the rest of the Council.
Section 8 - Removal of Council Members: Any Council member who fails to fulfill the responsibilities, duties, and/or minimum qualification of the position, engages in abuse of power of office, engages in behavior and conduct unbecoming of a Council member/student leader may be removed as a Council member by a unanimous vote of the other members of the IB Council. Any Council member removed may appeal to the general membership. Said member shall be considered reinstated with two-thirds approval of the votes.
Article VIII Vacancies
A vacancy shall be declared when a Council member leaves the program, resigns or is removed from office. Any vacancy which may occur in an office shall be filled by appointment by the president.
Article IX Finances
IB events and activities will be funded by NFMH.
Article X Meetings
Section 1 – Notice of Regular Meetings: At least 3 days notice shall be given for each regular business meeting.
Section 2 – Special Meetings: Special or emergency meetings may be called with at least twenty-four hours notice by.
Article XI Interpretation
The interpretation of the Constitution shall be the responsibility of the organization’s President. The interpretation of the Constitution shall be made with the view of its basic principles, which are to increase and foster student responsibility, interest, and participation in the activities and programs of the organization.
Article XII Amendments
Amendments to the Constitution must be presented two weeks prior to the ratification vote and may be initiated by any Council members or members of the organization. Amendments must be approved by 4 votes of the IB Council and ratified by a simple majority vote of the IB student body.
4. Social facilities and officials
4.1. NFMH facilities:
4.1.1. Norðurkjallari is the name of NFMH's social facilities. It is home to members, officials and the board of NFMH. The president of the board of NFMH is in charge of Norðurkjallar.
4.1.2. Heaven is the computer, work and meeting facilities of NFMH members. The chairmans are generally responsible for its handling.
4.2. Office:
4.2. The board of NFMH shall have appointed the following NFMH officials three weeks after the start of the school year; security guards, advertising managers, basement guards, equipment guards, lords of darkness, monopoly, masseurs, fly killers and fly killers killers.
4.3. Guard
4.3.1. Custodians appoint members from NFMH to help with guarding on events.
4.3.2. The guardian is obliged to ensure that no drugs are used in the school and / or on its premises during events. This includes applies to tobacco.
4.3.4. The caretakers and their attendants must always be well-groomed and well-marked while performing their duties.
4.3.5. All those who plan to hold events where the services of the guard are needed are obliged to inform the acting guardian of the event, location, time and scope at least one week in advance or as soon as a date is set. If any of these matters are undecided when the notice expires, the council holding the event shall nevertheless notify the warden of the event and provide him with all the information available to the council regarding the event. The council shall provide the necessary information to the warden as soon as possible.
4.4 Advertising gangsters
4.4.1. Advertising gangsters are responsible for advertising activities on behalf of NFMH. Advertising gangsters shall be responsible for posting the advertisements received by the school office or the student association, as well as removing unauthorized and expired advertisements.
4.6. Basement keeper:
4.6.1 Simbi is an eternal cellar keeper.
4.7. Equipment measurements:
4.7.1. Equipment manufacturers shall oversee NFMH's equipment options, they shall also review NFMH's equipment options at the beginning of each school year and submit a list of equipment to the NFMH board. At the end of their term of office, they shall submit a new list, listing all changes to NFMH's equipment options.
4.8. Dark Lords:
4.8.1. The Dark Lords take care of the photography and maintenance of the gallery of entertainment and events organized by NFMH.
4.8.2. Dark lords are required to submit scarlet images no less than two months after shooting.
4.9. Monopolies:
4.9.1. Einherjar are the cheerleader’s NFMH.
4.9.2. Einherjar composes songs and / or lyrics in support of NFMH team members in competitions. Einherjar takes care of maintaining the atmosphere at the competitions. Einherjar is responsible for Miðgarðsorminn.
4.9.3. The Chief Einherji shall be elected at the first Einherji meeting of the school year.
4.10. Marketing Committee:
4.10.1. The marketing committee is composed of members of NFMH as well as the marketing director.
4.10.2. The Marketing Manager is the chairman of the Marketing Committee and wins a seat on the board.
4.10.3. The newly elected board of NFMH appoints members to the marketing committee.
4.10.4. The Marketing Committee shall assist NFMH in obtaining advertising and sponsorship in the media on behalf of the company, e.g. Beneventum and Skaramús.
4.10.5. The Marketing Committee shall be responsible for issuing membership certificates.
4.10.6. The Marketing Committee shall work closely with the councils responsible for the relevant media. The council and the board shall compile a price list which the marketing committee shall take into account.
4.11. The band manager
4.11.1. The manager is appointed by the board of NFMH every autumn. He shall oversee the band and other duties previously held by the Joyful Council. Including the creation of a master and the key authority of the students' training facilities. The master of the master shall be musically minded with a tropical and seductive look.
4.13. Flight path:
4.13.1. The role of NFMH's fly killer is to kill all banana flies that roam the school corridors in the streets and during lunch breaks. NFMH's fly swatter therefore receives an electric fly swatter for maximum results and receives a free 3-week course on handling an electric fly swatter. Experience is important in this position; the fly swatter must know where the main source points of the banana flies are and it is therefore desirable that it is on 3.-4. year. Despite being a fly killer, he should generally be a great friend of animals and help the animals that may enter MH uninvited to find their way out of school. On Mondays, the NFMH fly swatter shall wear a torso with some kind of animal on the front.
4.13.2. This office may not be abolished in any way, unless it threatens national security and approval for abolition must be passed at 4 school meetings in a row for it to take effect.
4. 14. Flugnabanabani NFMH
4.14.1 The NFMH Flight Lane is an office that is in a constant struggle with the NFMH flight lane, and there is eternal tension between them.
4.14.2 Flugnabanan NFMH is often jealous of Flugnaban and is obliged to eliminate all of Flugnabanan's operations.
4.14.3 At the end of the spring, an annual skirmish between fly-killers and fly-killers at Matgarður shall be intensified.
4.14.4 The winner receives the NFMH fly-ban statue and the loser goes to both the Fly-ban ban and the Fly-ban ban
4.15. Blóraböggull NFMH
4.15.1. The role of blórablöggul is to take responsibility for everything that goes wrong in the Student Association.
4.15.2. If we lose something (which never happens) it is Blórarbögglin's fault and he has to ask for public forgiveness no less than two working days after the event.
4.15.3. Blóraböggull shall deliver a pardon speech at each school meeting where he apologizes for everything that has gone wrong the month before the meeting.
5. Meetings
5.1. School meetings:
5.1.1. School meetings are the highest decision-making authority in all matters concerning NFMH.
5.1.2. NFMH members have the sole right to attend school meetings.
5.1.3. Amendments to the NFMH Act only take place at school meetings, however, Article 10.3.4.
5.1.4. A school meeting is responsible for interpreting NFMH's law.
5.1.5. The president of NFMH convenes a school meeting in writing a.m. with a week of school days notice at atlest four places in the school. The meeting shall also be announced in the school's intercom system. The notice of the meeting shall state the time and place with two days' notice, in addition to which all the issues before the meeting shall be thoroughly presented, so that the members of NFMH can take a position on them in a matter-of-fact manner. Amendments and appendices that have not been received by the board of NFMH within the advertised time will not be processed at the meeting.
5.1.6. At least 5% of NFMH members can demand that a school meeting be held. A simple majority determines the articles of association of the meeting. A school meeting is only considered valid if atleast 5% of members are present.
5.1.7. The president of NFMH convenes the meeting and chairs the election of the chairman and secretary. General meeting procedures apply to school meetings.
5.1.8. Minutes of school meetings shall be published on the NFMH website within one week of the meeting.
5.1.9. The chairman of each school meeting is given the title President of the school meeting and he is given the bell Búkollu. The president of a school meeting has permission to use Búkollu to settle the case of anyone who delivers a long or incoherent chatter at a school meeting. This applies to everyone present, both young and old.
5.1.10. At each school board meeting, the following provisions shall apply
The president should bring his hat and bag.
The president also shames his hat for any member, council, official or other person who has not performed on behalf of NFMH or had a negative impact on the association's activities, and he also takes a good bag for anyone who is considered to have done well. hand NFMH.
All members of the student association can submit shame or goodwill to any association, council, official, board member, general member of the student association or other persons outside the student association. In his / her shame / goodness, he / she must define the reasons for the shame / goodness and return the shame / goodness to the law change committee 2 days before the last school meeting of the spring. The Legislative Amendment Committee needs to examine whether the shame / goodness is / is justified and if it / it is successful. All the shortcomings that do not stand will be torn by the chairman of the meeting and he shall then say the following:
"The following shortcomings are fabrications and should be addressed by those who write"
If the reasons are well-founded, the chairman of the meeting shall say:
"Shame on other shit,
brighter if you look at your own bosom. ”
Then the president of NFMH will rise up and say: "Listen, listen"
But after that, he should wear his hat and read all the short stories (all short stories should be read out verbatim in accordance with current copyright) that were given the basis of the Law Amendment Committee.
After reading the shame, the president should say: "And may they improve in the future".
Next, the President shall take his bag and draw up all the good things that were given to the sounding board of the Legislative Amendment Committee. After the reading, the President shall say:
"Thank you, thank you and may joy and good fortune accompany you in the future and the world after life if it exists"
If no bail is received, the Legislative Amendment Committee shall undertake to distribute goodies and bribes. Nevertheless, the Law Amendment Committee can hand out goodies and shorts even if a lot of suggestions are received.
It should be noted that one person, council, association, official, board member can get both shame out of the president's hat and good out of his bag. After a short and praiseworthy reading, atonement is offered. Anyone who has something they want to lighten their heart can step on stage and ask for forgiveness. The core board then has 10 seconds, exactly, to decide whether to grant forgiveness. If forgiveness is granted, the President shall take up his cup filled with consecrated water. He will then fetch water in the palm of his hand, stroke his hand over the sinner's face and say loud and clear: "We forgive you!". Hávar shall start all school meetings with jokes
5.2. Association meetings:
5.2.1. A general meeting shall be convened by the president of NFMH, when deemed necessary. There shall be a representative from each company and he shall be able to report on the company's expenses. The role of the meetings shall be to increase the general discussion about the work of NFMH and facilitate the participation of the general member in its work.
5.3. Board meetings:
5.3.1. NFMH's board meetings deal with the day - to - day management of NFMH. They shall take place no less frequently than weekly and the President of the NFMH shall call for them in a conclusive manner.
5.3.2. Board meetings have the authority to make decisions in the interests of members between school meetings. All members of NFMH may request that a proposal be taken up at NFMH's board meeting
5.3.3. The board of NFMH attends board meetings. Members of NFMH may attend meetings on behalf of the board of NFMH.
5.3.4. A board meeting is therefore only considered valid by a majority
6. Elections
6.1. Only NFMH members have the right to vote and stand for election.
6.2. Two elections shall be held during the school year: winter elections and spring elections.
6.3. Winter elections are to be held at the end of the autumn. A school board representative shall also be elected. In this election, all members of NFMH have the right to vote.
6.4. Early elections shall be held at the end of the spring, in which case the following positions shall be elected: President, Vice President, Treasurer and Marketing Director. A three- to four-member list shall also be elected to the boards of the following associations: the Feminist Association Embla and Matráður. A three- to five-member list shall also be elected to the boards of the following associations: the shop council, the charity association, the queer committee Bur, the sports association and the editorial board of Fréttapési. Four to six members of the board of directors of the following associations shall also be elected: the lagningar council, the theater association, the art association, málfó association, the video committe myndbandabúi, the council of Óðrikur Algaula, the editorial board of Beneventum, the entertainment council and the environmental council.
6.4.1. When voting in a spring election, the list of candidates shall name one person at the head of the list and he shall be in charge of the list.
6.4.2. Oddvitar málfundafélag, leikfélag, listafélag, entertainment council and editor Beneventum are also candidates for the board of NFMH.
6.5. A candidate for the board of NFMH must have completed or are completing at least two semesters at the school.
6.5.1. A candidate for NFMH's treasurer must have reached the age of 18 at the beginning of the autumn
6.5.2. A candidate for president of NFMH must have reached the age of 18 by the beginning of the autumn
6.6. The same person may not run for or hold more than one position elected within NFMH at a time. This provision does not cover the positions and positions held by the company's board.
6.7. The board of NFMH shall appoint an election committee, of which one shall be the chairman of the election committee. The Electoral Commission shall be responsible for the conduct and counting of elections. The members of the Electoral Commission may not sit in office within NFMH or be a candidate for them. The Electoral Commission bears responsibility towards NFMH.
6.8. At least two weeks before the election, candidates must be advertised and a written candidacy must have been received by the Electoral Commissioner before the announced candidacy deadline to be considered valid.
6.9. Electoral laws shall be made public each time a candidacy for office within NFMH is advertised.
6.10. Candidates or their representatives may be present at the counting of votes in consultation with the Electoral Commissioner.
6.11. Candidates are not allowed to use NFMH's materials and facilities for advertising.
6.12. If the board of NFMH or a board member resigns before the end of his or her term, the board must hold an election before a board member resigns. Unless the president decides otherwise in special circumstances, for example, if a major misconduct occurs during office. The board of NFMH must then handle the position until a new one is elected to the position.
6.13. If an official / board member of a company or the board of NFMH resigns before the end of his term of office, the board of NFMH shall decide each time how to appoint a new successor. If there is no candidacy for a company or a position on the NFMH student board in the spring elections, elections shall be held at the beginning of the autumn. If there is still no candidacy, the student board shall appoint to the position.
6.14. If an official / board member of a company or the board of NFMH neglects his duties, the board of NFMH shall remove him from office. An official / board member who is expelled by the NFMH board may submit a request that the expulsion be submitted to a school meeting for refusal and has two weeks to do so. In order for a rejection to be considered valid, 2/3 of the votes are required. If the official / board member does not submit a request to that effect within two weeks or if the refusal is rejected at a school meeting, the decision of the student board is upheld.
6.15. If more than half of the members of any association have resigned, elections to the association in question shall be held as soon as possible.
6.16. If two or more are equal in the NFMH election, the top two shall be re-elected.
6.17. If blank ballots are proportionally more than the highest number of votes cast, he will not be elected. New candidates shall then be advertised within a week and new elections shall be held thereafter. If a candidate has not yet been elected, the student board shall be appointed to the position.
6.17.1. If the candidate is the only candidate, he or she must receive 2/3 of the votes to be elected.
6.18. Electoral officers shall publish the election results within 24 hours after the polling station closes, provided that these are working days.
6.19. The parties who take over the offices, councils or boards of companies within NFMH undertake to comply in full with the company's laws in force at any given time and shall have the sense of responsibility that comes with working within NFMH.
6.20. Individual candidates are not allowed to receive corporate support during their election campaign. This means that it is not allowed to give refreshments or other goods in the name of the election campaign.
6.21 For elections within NFMH each candidate can't spend more than 5.000 kr. on advertisement.
7. Finance
7.1. All registered students in NFMH pay a membership fee. The board of NFMH decides on the membership fee.
7.2. NFMH's paid membership fees shall accrue to the student fund together with all proceeds from the work of associations and groups from entertainment. All income and expenses shall go through the checking account of NFMH.
7.3. Collection of membership fees is in the hands of the student board in consultation with the school office.
7.4. MH and Mararþaraborg's canteen have independent finances, which are the responsibility of the operator at any given time, and they must sign an agreement to that effect with the board of NFMH.
7.5. The board of NFMH shall insure the company's main assets for theft and damage caused by fire and water.
7.6. Officials and associations must submit a financial and action plan to the NFMH board at the beginning of each term.
7.7. If disputes arise regarding budgets, those matters shall be resolved before the school meeting.
7.8. NFMH has no obligation or responsibility to provide food or beverages to those who work on behalf of the company.
8. Trade
8.1. Under the auspices of NFMH, Mararþaraborg and Matsala MH work, each with independent finances. The MH canteen (Somalia, ID number: 640190-1089) is run in consultation with the school board.
8.2. Dining room MH:
8.2.1 The purpose of the food sale is to provide MH students with healthy food at an affordable price, in addition to which it provides part-time work to NFMH members of the student association.
8.2.2. The operation of the food sales is not for profit and must be kept to a minimum at all times.
8.2.3. The operation of the canteen shall be decided by the student board of NFMH in consultation with the current operations manager of the canteen. The decisions that will be made about the job of operations manager shall be in consultation with him and he shall be guaranteed the best possible job security. The operations manager must sign an agreement with NFMH on the operation of the store.
8.2.4. MH's canteen shall operate throughout the school year.
8.2.5. MH's canteen has independent accounting which is the responsibility of the operations manager. It shall be reviewed at the end of each other and the cashier of NFMH shall then be received.
8.2.6. A school board representative shall be the board's liaison with the director of operations. The operation of the canteen is further determined in an agreement between the board of NFMH and the school board at the beginning of each school year.
8.2.7 The board of Matsala MH consists of the president, treasurer and school board representative of NFMH together with the operations manager, Ellý Hauksdóttir Hauth.
9. Mararþaraborg, coffee shop
9.1. The purpose of Mararþaraborg's operation is to provide groups within NFMH who are in need of funding with the opportunity to raise funds. Applications for the operation of Mararþaraborg must be submitted to the student board for each semester. The student board shall decide who receives a power of attorney for the operation at any given time.
9.2. Mararþaraborg shall operate throughout the school year.
9.3.3. The mayor of Mararþaraborg, the operators of Mararþaraborg, shall, upon taking office, sign an agreement on the operation of the store.
9.4. All those involved in the operation of Matsala MH and Mararþaraborg in one way or another shall be valid members of NFMH.
10. NFMH membership in collaboration between schools
10.1. NFMH can participate in co-operation between schools if it is approved at the board meeting of NFMH.
10.2. The activities of such school co-operation to which NFMH is a party may not conflict with NFMH's law.
10.3. If the board of NFMH decides to withdraw from co-operation with other schools, all legal amendments and regulations concerning the co-operation in question will automatically expire. NFMH must respect the laws of co-operation in which it participates, as they do not conflict with NFMH's laws.
10.4. Association of Icelandic upper secondary school students:
10.4.1. NFMH is a member of the Association of Icelandic Upper Secondary School Students.
10.4.2. The school board representative is NFMH's interest representative in SIF.
10.5. Upper secondary school speech and debate competition in Iceland (MORFÍS):
10.5.1. NFMH is a member of MORFÍS, which is an annual speech and debate competition between upper secondary school students in Iceland.
10.5.2. NFMH's daily interventions in MORFÍS are in the hands of the NFMH conference association. It shall also be responsible for registering the NFMH speech team for the competition annually and paying a participation fee.
10.6. Guess better, the high school quiz:
10.6.1. NFMH participates in Gettu betur, which is an annual quiz competition between upper secondary schools.
10.6.2. The board of NFMH shall appoint a coach and this shall be done before the end of September each year.
10.6.3. Mímisbrunnur and the conference association, together with those who sit on the steering group of Gettu Betur on behalf of the school, shall handle all daily interventions by NFMH related to Gettu betur.
11. On the laws of NFMH
11.1. The Board of NFMH is authorized to issue regulations on various aspects of NFMH's activities if they do not conflict with this Act. The board shall inform NFMH members of the regulations it issues in a circular within a week of their enactment.
11.2. Changes to the NFMH law only take place at school meetings. The Legislative Amendment Committee, however, has the right to harmonize and amend the wording of the NFMH Act without substantive changes, outside school meetings.
11.3. Legislative Amendment Committee:
11.3.1. The Legislative Amendment Committee consists of: The President of NFMH, the Vice-President of NFMH and a school board representative together with one to three members of NFMH appointed by the board of NFMH.
11.3.2. The role of the Law Amendment Committee is to discuss all proposals for amendments and additions that appear in the NFMH Act and to examine whether they violate other aspects of the NFMH Act. The committee shall also harmonize the law and the proposed amendments with a view to ensuring that the articles of law do not conflict. The committee shall also review the NFMH law once a year and submit it to a school meeting.
11.3.3. The Legislative Amendment Committee shall work on a democratic basis and maintain neutrality in all respects.
11.3.4. The Law Amendment Committee has the right to harmonize and amend the wording of the NFMH Act, without changes to the content, outside the school meeting.
11.3.5. The Legislative Amendment Committee has the right to rephrase proposed amendments to the law or to reject those which it considers to be directly harmful to the company's activities.
3.12. The video committee
3.12.1. The board of directors of the video committee consists of four to eight representatives elected in the spring elections. the chairman of the video committee sits on the board of NFMH.
3.12.2. The Board of Directors of the video committee oversees the video equipment options of NFMH and shall assist other councils and committees in video production if assistance is requested. It shall record on video all the events on behalf of NFMH that are deemed necessary and try to produce other recorded material for the entertainment of the members of the student association.
3.12.3 When using drones Video crews shall exercise caution and common sense. The drone may not be used or lent for work other than the work of the video committee. operator of the drone can not be under the influence. Do not fly the drone in a small space. Do not fly the drone in rain, snow or strong winds. The drone must always be called Fool.
3.13. Óðrik Algaula's advice:
3.13.1. Óðrik Algaula's council is made up of four to six representatives elected in the spring elections.
3.13.2. Óðríkur Algaula is NFMH's songwriting competition. Óðríkur Algaula should promote that members of NFMH have the opportunity to shine their light in the field of legislation. Not only should you compete for the best song, but for other episodes, e.g. the most original song, the best lyrics, the best stage performance and whatever Óðrik Algauli's advice is interested in at any given time.
Songs and lyrics in Óðríki Algaula must not have been heard publicly before. Óðrik Algauli's advice determines at any given time how many songs the author may have in the competition.
The jury in Óðríki Algaula shall be composed of experienced people in the field of law, then the staff of the school or other people who may be considered biased in the jury should be avoided.
3.13.3. The NFMH singing competition shall be organized by Óðrik Algauli's council. All competitors must be members of NFMH. The same rules apply to the jury as in the State of Algaula.
3.13.4. The singing competition will be held in the first half of the spring and its winner will compete on behalf of NFMH in the upper secondary school singing competition.
3.14. The fun committee
3.14.1. The entertainment council is composed of four to six representatives elected in the spring elections. The fun committee’s chairman sits on the board.
3.14.3. The entertainment council organizes and takes care of dances on behalf of NFMH. It also organizes the annual festival in consultation with the company's board. All obligations of the entertainment council shall be approved by the board of the company.
3.15. Radio Council
3.15.1. The Radio Council is composed of three to five representatives elected by the arts in the spring elections.
3.15.2 The Radio Council is responsible for radio during election week.
3.15.3. In radio weeks, there shall be an organized program after school hours, from 16:15 - 23:00.
3.15.4. The program of each radio week shall consist of music playing and program items supervised by members of NFMH and the Radio Council. In Election Radio, all candidates have the opportunity to present themselves and their candidacy on the allotted time, in addition to having a certain advertising time during the week. On Óðrik's radio, competitors will be introduced, old songs and events that have stood out in each competition will be played and the competition itself will be broadcast.
3.15.5. Anyone who is a member of NFMH can apply to participate in radio week.
3.15.6. The Radio Council shall ensure that all aspects of the diverse musical flora are represented in each radio week and that the diversity of radio programs is maximized.
3.15.7. There are deadlines for each episode, but they depend on the program and content of each episode and will be set in consultation with the NFMH board when processing applications.
3.15.9. The Radio Council elects a treasurer in consultation with the board of NFMH. He alone shall be in charge of the council's finances in collaboration with the treasurer of NFMH.
12. Blaws, Bullshit laws
A Chapter within the laws of nfmh which contains funny laws, funny values or something that is an informal law.
12.1. Myndandabúi is named Myndbandagrettir
12.2. Fréttapési is named Fréttagrettir
12.3. Grettir is named Guðjón
12.4. The table tennis table must be at least 4.57 m. from the entrance to Norðurkjallar to prevent bodily injuries to pedestrians.
12.5. NFMH's favorite songs are:
Rólegur Kúreki
Já ég veit
Friends lagið
12.6. Blórabögli has a duty to tell jokes at every school meeting.
12.7. First day of school there is a MH sweater day, everybody wears their MH sweaters.
12.8. Every year there should be a snow fight with the first proper snowfall. This should happen when all students at the school are not in class so that most can participate. Hot cocoa is served after the fight. It would be nice to have teacher participate too☺️
12.9 NFMH should put 1/3 of all its money in to bitcoin👍
12.10 Cancel the Funniest MH-ingur competition so Baldur can be the funnies MH-ingur 4ever
12.11 Ban making out in school
12.12 Name classroom 39 “classroom 69”
All rights reserved Student Association of Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð