The yellow scarf it was still cold even though it was spring. this was the first day that the sun came up and was all day. the first proper spring day, they are not too common here. The girl was still in her thick wool coat, the one she bought for the winter that has just passed, but now it was hot. she wanted out and out of the coat. -she did it. she ran out into the sun and the wind that never seems to stop there in the broad woods. when the path decision became colder again, it is inevitable. the girl went back to her woolen coat and headed down to town, to the sea that had characterized the summer before. when she was on her way out she decided it would be nice to take a scarf, it's cold by the sea. starved and found no one she wanted to be with. after a good while, she found a yellow scarf in the back of her wardrobe. the yellow scarf. she had not seen him for a long time and had not been around him even longer. this was fate, she felt now would not be returned. spring was on its way and she had the yellow scarf and tickled her stomach. she wrapped her outside her neck, smiled even wider than before and ran the bus in the beautiful spring light. Jana Björg Þorvaldsdóttir
Letter to Ronja / What time is it in Helsinki? What time is it in Helsinki? with me she's three and it's only you who can save me. are you asleep? i can't do it even though my brain is jerking, it's completely impossible how do you feel? can we talk? I'm confused, you could set the weather, without you I'm lost. Are you often busy? I am too, your life is colorful, I understand it very well. Shall I tell you a secret? not what you thought, good thing you're here to stay with me. You came to me last night. everything was as before, our time is flattered so you disappeared back. what time is it in helsinki? with me she is three and it is only you that I love the most. Jana Björg Þorvaldsdóttir
Love letter I love you, Here I sit on the spot where once I sat and wrote to you, it all started. Soon the memories pour over me and the feelings with. Fear mixed with excitement and joy, anticipation and hope. I never dreamed I could have become so fortunate to know you, let alone love you. With you I do not want to come up to breathe. I want to sink deeper and deeper. Further down the bed and into each other. to love me, allows me to get to know you better and that you sink with me deeper and deeper, far into the future. With best regards, I Jana Björg Þorvaldsdóttir
One of these days "Today is just one of those days" I say to myself as I order a huge cup of coffee (the fourth today) and sit down. "One of those difficult days that comes in between even though you are happy." The plan was to try to learn but I am something outside of myself. I'm listening to music that disconnects me from reality and makes everything more dreamy. There are not many people in the café who are just fine, I like it that way. It's a calmer mood and I get peace of mind. However, it may not be a good idea to think too much. Some older kids come out of school and sit down next to me. I recognize them and they smile at me. Slowly I realize the group and start packing my stuff. I know exactly who's on the way and I do not even want to try to deal with it, it's better to just escape. Just when I think I'm escaped, she's walking. My mind immediately goes to a million, it tries to keep my brain in check and ward off evil thoughts. It does not work. Of all the emotions I can experience, I think this is one of the worst. The woman reduces her self-esteem just by being there, by being herself. She is everything I want to be: smart, beautiful, popular and good, she is fearless and has much more experience of life. I'm just small and I do not really know anything. I fear her presence and avoid her like a hot fire. I do not like to feel this way, but it's all going well, these are the facts: She's better than me. I'll never be equal to her. I hastily throw all my stuff in my dirty, green backpack, push myself into my dad's sleek jacket, raise the music to the bottom and run out while I do my best to avoid eye contact. I'm starting to breathe faster. Probably a mix of stress and coffee drinking. I still left my cup, I drank almost nothing, I was in such a hurry. I try to calm down and walk towards home. "This is just one of those days." Jana Björg Þorvaldsdóttir