Doctors have failed women

Doctors have failed women
Embla Rún Halldórsdóttir

Iceland is at the forefront of all nations in gender equality according to the latest research and I consider myself so lucky to be a girl in this country. But first and foremost, it does not mean perfect equality. This world, and all our systems, were built by men for men and it is difficult to achieve complete equality in such an unequal system. Among other things, the scientific and medical community has systematically ignored women and the needs of women and midwives in research. Since researchers and those who provide research grants have often been men, the issues of other groups have often been forgotten. For example, drug doses are targeted at men, as the preferred dose of drug for women and the uterus varies according to their menstrual cycle and it is difficult to know exactly how much they need at any given time. Studies of diseases affecting only those with uterus and pimples are deficient, while diseases affecting men have been extensively studied. The medical community has ignored this large group of society for too long and does not seem to take as much notice of them. I have seen so many examples of 'gynecological diseases that are little known and not properly addressed but there is simply a need for more research to explain them and come up with a cure for them.

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